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Order up some SmokeHaus goodness today!

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The SmokeHaus is closed for the winter. See ya when it warms up a bit!

Our Smoked Chickens are larger then the standard fryer-sized rotisserie chickens from your local grocery store - at least a pound more meat after roasting. The wonderful aroma and consistent juiciness is the result of a proprietary herb-citrus marinade (containing no soy, soy sauce or MSG. Gluten-free) and an application of our time-tested low-salt dry rub SmokeHaus Herb Rub #11 that has taken more then a decade to perfect.

The even heat of our unique smoke-roasting oven means that our chickens can slowly roast undisturbed, not having to be constantly turned - keeping the moisture locked in. Order a few and freeze some, they freeze really well.

When ordering Pulled Chicken and/or Pulled Pork, figure on at least 1/4 pound per person if serving on buns…if served without a bun, well, ya might want to order more - it may be hard getting some guests to stop once they get started.

 The SmokeHaus “Herb Rub #11” - Time-tested Dry Rub for Chicken, Pork or Beef - Also great in Vegetable Dishes and Salad Dressings.
The SmokeHaus Chicken